Q: What is a re-employment of micro-secured loans? A: Re-employment of micro-secured loans refers to the spirit of the document [2002] 12, in order to help laid-off workers to find jobs, start their own businesses and organize employment, honesty Trustworthy, able-bodied and laid-off workers laid-off workers for their lack of start-up process in the start-up capital and credit guarantees, it is difficult to obtain the practical difficulties of bank loans, the government set up a re-guarantee fund through the re-employment guarantee agencies promised to Special re-employment of small banks to apply for loans. Q: Who can apply for re-employment of small loans? A: Where the unemployed local residents with legal working age have the ability to work in self-employment, self-employment or partnership and organize employment, the part of the self-financing inadequate to The local commercial bank head office sales department to apply for small loans secured loan business. Q: What are the requirements for applying for a micro-loan? A: (1) Holding the “Unemployment Card” and “Reemployment Permit Card”; (2) The project plan is practicable and within the scope of the project policy documents; (3) Self-raised funds Reached a loan amount of 10% (before the loan in the name of the borrower to save the local commercial bank, together with the loan principal).