“国际糖尿病神经病变及其治疗”学会于1981 年9月18~19日在日本东京召开,与会者有日、美、英、加拿大、澳大利亚、丹麦、印度及中国八个国家,约200余人。由日本糖尿病学会主席团之一后藤由夫教授主持,会上专题报告8篇,论文报告52篇。专题报告的重点为讨论本病病因,发病机理及治疗问题。作者介绍了我国糖尿病神经病变的近况,反映了我国有关此病的患病率,强调早期采用电生理(肌电图法)检查周围神经及六种无创伤性植物神经功能试验可提高诊断率与治愈率,并讨论了分类与发病机理,获得了与会者的赞同与好评。此文将于Excerpta Medica会议录中刊出。会议中讨论的内容,概述如下:
The International Association of Diabetic Neuropathy and Its Treatment was held in Tokyo, Japan on September 18-19, 1981 with about 200 participants from eight countries including Japan, the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia, Denmark, India and China. It is chaired by Professor Goto Yofu, one of the presidents of the Japan Diabetes Association. There are 8 thematic reports and 52 papers in the conference. Special report focuses on the etiology, pathogenesis and treatment of the disease. The author introduced the current status of diabetic neuropathy in our country, reflecting the prevalence of the disease in our country, emphasizing the early use of electrophysiological (EMG) examination of peripheral nerves and six noninvasive autonomic nerve function tests can improve the diagnostic rate and Cure rate, and discussed the classification and pathogenesis, access to the participants agree and praise. This article will be published in Excerpta Medica proceedings. The topics discussed in the meeting are summarized as follows: