对组织细胞坏死性淋巴结炎(HNL)1例分析如下。1病历摘要男,19岁。因右耳前及右颈部无痛性肿物10 d入院,入院前曾应用抗生素治疗,效果不明显。查体见:右耳屏前可触及2.5cm×3.0 cm的肿物,右颈上胸锁乳突肌前缘可触及3.0 cm×3.5 cm大小的肿物,肿物边界清,无压痛,质地中等,活动尚
One case of tissue necrosis lymphadenitis (HNL) is analyzed as follows. 1 medical record summary male, 19 years old. Due to the right ear and right neck painless mass 10 d admission, prior to admission had antibiotics, the effect is not obvious. Physical examination showed that the front of the right tragus can touch a tumor of 2.5 cm × 3.0 cm. The frontal margin of the right cervical sternocleidomastoid can reach a tumor of 3.0 cm × 3.5 cm in size. The boundary of the tumor is clear without tenderness and texture Medium, activities are still