日前,中国船级社(CCS)与TüV莱茵(TüV Rheinland)在北京签署了《试验室合作协议》,CCS副总裁兼总工程师朱恺与TüV莱茵大中华区副总裁杨佳代表双方签署了合作协议。TüV莱茵集团是一家国际领先的技术服务供应商,拥有遍布全球的服务网络,业务涉及工业、交通、产品、生命科学、教育与咨询、管理体系六大服务范畴。作为国际领先船级社之一,CCS拥有遍布全球的检验与服务网络,多元化的国际客户。秉承“安全、环保,为客户和社会创造价值”的宗旨,服务于航运、造船、船舶配套、海洋资源开
Recently, CCS and TÜV Rheinland signed a “Laboratory Cooperation Agreement” in Beijing. Zhu Kai, vice president and chief engineer of CCS, and Yang Jia, vice president of TÜV Rheinland Greater China, signed a cooperation agreement . TüV Rheinland Group is a leading international technology service provider with service network around the world. Its business covers six service areas of industry, transportation, product, life science, education and consulting, and management system. As one of the world’s leading classification societies, CCS has a worldwide network of inspection and service networks with a diverse international customer base. Adhering to the “safety, environmental protection, creating value for customers and the community,” the purpose of serving the shipping, shipbuilding, marine facilities, marine resources open