患者 男 36岁,主诉“面、颈部肿胀3个月,伴活动后胸闷,憋气”,曾在外院以“肾脏疾病”治疗无效,后行超声心动图检查疑为心脏肿瘤而入我院。查体:心率90次/分,血压120/98mmHg,面部肿胀,颈增粗,颈静脉怒张,胸廓饱满,未见胸壁静脉曲张,心界不大,
The patient was 36 years old and complained of “swelling of the face and neck for 3 months. Her chest tightness was associated with activity and hernia.” She had been treated as a “kidney disease” in an outside hospital and was admitted to our hospital with an echocardiogram suspected of having a heart tumor. Physical examination: heart rate 90 beats/min, blood pressure 120/98 mmHg, facial swelling, thick neck, jugular vein engorgement, full chest, no chest wall varicose veins, little heart boundary,