10月17日是国际消除贫困日。中国记协、中国扶贫基金会这天联合举行汇报会,参加’98志愿扶贫团的百名记者代表向主办单位汇报了历时半月的扶贫采访经过和收获。 ’98中国百名记者志愿扶贫团于8月25日从北京出发,到9月中旬返京,共有65家新闻单位的100名记者参加,采访了新疆生产建设兵团、青海、四川、湖南、河南、内蒙古等6个省区的31个贫困县、旗,行程二万多公里。他们的共同体会是:“志
October 17 is the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. China Journalists Association and China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation jointly held a briefing on this day and a total of one hundred reporter representatives who participated in the ’98 volunteer poverty alleviation mission reported to the organizers about the half-month poverty alleviation interviews and harvests. ’98 China’s 100 journalists volunteer poverty alleviation mission set out from Beijing on August 25 and returned to Beijing in mid-September. A total of 100 journalists from 65 news agencies attended the meeting and interviewed Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, Qinghai, Sichuan, Hunan, Henan, Inner Mongolia and other six provinces and 31 poor counties, flags, itineraries more than 20,000 kilometers. Their common experience is: "Chi