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为了总结各地的工作经验,探讨推进农村社区建设思路,切实发挥民政部门在加强社会管理、创新社会管理体制、构建和谐社会中的作用,2007年3月19日,民政部在青岛胶南市召开了全国农村社区建设工作座谈会。姜力副部长出席会议并作了重要讲话。民政部基层政权和社区建设司司长詹成付主持会议,山东省民政厅厅长杨金镜、青岛市副市长宁经谋出席会议。各省、自治区、直辖市、各计划单列市、新疆生产建设兵团民政厅(局)基层政权和社区建设处负责人,50个县(市、区)政府负责人或民政局长,中组部、中宣部、中农办、国家发改委、公安部、建设部、教育部、农业部等部门的有关同志,山东省民政厅、青岛市有关领导,科研院所的相关专家共计180人参加了会议。与会代表实地考察了胶南市大泥沟头社区、凤墩社区、北高家庄社区三个农村社区建设试验点;青岛市、青岛胶南市、天津市、江西省、江苏扬中市、浙江天台县、福州仓山区、湖北秭归县杨林桥镇等8个地方介绍了开展农村社区建设的经验,华中师范大学徐勇教授作了学术报告。 In order to summarize the work experience of various places, explore ways to promote the construction of rural communities and give full play to the role of civil affairs departments in strengthening social management, innovating the social management system and building a harmonious society. On March 19, 2007, the Ministry of Civil Affairs held a meeting in Jiaonan City, Qingdao National rural community construction work forum. Vice Minister Jiang Li attended the meeting and made an important speech. Zhancheng Fu, director of the Grassroots Political Department and Community Construction Department of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, chaired the meeting. Yang Jinjing, director of the Shandong Civil Affairs Department and Ning Jingmou, deputy mayor of Qingdao attended the meeting. Autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, cities directly under the Central Government, cities directly under the Central Government, heads of grass-roots regimes and community building offices of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, heads of government of 50 counties (cities, districts) or director of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture, National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Construction, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Agriculture and other relevant comrades, Shandong Province Civil Affairs Department, relevant leaders of Qingdao City, scientific research institutes a total of 180 people attended the meeting. Representatives of the participants inspected the pilot sites for the construction of three rural communities in Dadougoutou community, Fengdun community and Beigaojiazhuang community in Jiaonan City; Qingdao, Qingdao Jiaonan, Tianjin, Jiangxi, Yangzhong, Jiangsu and Tiantai , Cangshan District of Fuzhou, and Yanglinqiao Town of Zigui County of Hubei Province introduced the experience of developing rural communities. Professor Xu Yong from Central China Normal University made an academic report.
斯大林原姓朱加什维利,跟当时俄罗斯许多革命家一样,搞地下工作时都另换姓氏。“斯大林”这个姓是他自己在1910年之前发明的,意为“钢铁”,同莫洛托夫(铁锤)一样,带有无产阶级和现代化大工业的意味,其实俄文中本无此姓。    他做了两件大事,留下一个模式    斯大林曾狠下工夫钻研马克思著作。早在神学院读书时,他就秘密转抄过整部《资本论》。  他毕生成就了两大功劳——建成社会主义和战胜德国法西斯。对前
1    我们需要朴实无华的回忆录。因为它能提供实实在在的史料,展示特定的历史场景和真实人物的风貌,所以有不少人在写,不少期刊都发表了不少这样的文字。  但能否也有充满理性色彩的回忆录呢?在回忆录写作上也会有所独创呢?因为这样的作品,既叙事,又阐理;既真实质朴,又闪射着反思的光彩,能将读者的认识引入另一个层次。  由于任何文章都是述理的,它或者直接,或者间接,或者袒露,或者潜藏,都在用直白的语言或
Granite belonged to intrusive rock and volcanic was extrusive rock. There may be many differences in their degree of weathering and mineral chemical composition