二十多年前,由于野外工作的需要,我随一个小分队到了青海省果洛藏族自治州的玛多县。县城不大,紧靠在黄河边上,一条主干公路穿城而过。黄河流到这里已形成宽约50余米深齐腰部的河面了。水体呈黄色,因上游多有绿被覆盖,河水含沙量很低,但水流湍急。 青海盛产湟鱼,分布在所有河流湖泊里,除此以外尚未见到其它什么鱼类(但又听说在靠近甘肃的黄河地段,还出产一种金丝鲤鱼,色泽鲜艳个体肥大,口须尤长,被
More than two decades ago, I went with a team to Maduo County in the Guoluo Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Qinghai Province due to the needs of field work. Small town, close to the edge of the Yellow River, a trunk road through the city. Here the Yellow River has formed a width of about 50 meters deep waist waist. The water is yellow, because the upper reaches of green cover, the river sediment is very low, but fast-flowing. Qinghai rich anchovy, located in all rivers and lakes, in addition to have not seen any other fish (but also heard that in the Yellow River near Gansu, but also produce a kind of gold carp, brightly colored individual hypertrophy, mouth whispered Long, was