Angle-sensitive and fast photovoltage of silver nanocluster embeded ZnO thin films induced by 1.064-

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weiweilee
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Silver nanocluster embedded ZnO composite thin film was observed to have an angle-sensitive and fast photovoltaic effect in the angle range from—90°to 90°,its peak value and the polarity varied regularly with the angle of incidence of the 1.064-μm pulsed Nd:YAG laser radiation onto the ZnO surface.Meanwhile,for each photovoltaic signal,its rising time reached ~2 ns with an open-circuit photovoltage of ~2 ns full width at half-maximum.This angle-sensitive fast photovoltaic effect is expected to put this composite film a candidate for angle-sensitive and fast photodetector. Silver nanocluster embedded ZnO composite thin film was observed to have an angle-sensitive and fast photovoltaic effect in the angle range from -90 ° to 90 °, its peak value and the polarity varied regularly with the angle of incidence of the 1.064-μm pulsed Nd: YAG laser radiation onto the ZnO surface. Meanwhile, for each photovoltaic signal, its rising time reached ~ 2 ns with an open-circuit photovoltage of ~ 2 ns full width at half-maximum. This angle-sensitive fast photovoltaic effect is expected to put this composite film a candidate for angle-sensitive and fast photodetector.
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