各位领导、各位来宾、各位艺术家朋友们: 首先,我对这次展览能够成功举办,代表美协向各位参展的美术家表示热烈的祝贺! 这次全国写生画展是中国美术家协会第五次全国美代会召开以来美协主办的一次非常重要的展览,它旨在提倡、鼓励广大的美术工作者遵循党的“二为”方向、“双百”方针,遵循艺术创作的规律,面向生活,深入生活,从生活中发掘艺术创作的素材,
Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, First of all, I would like to extend my warm congratulation on the successful hosting of this exhibition and on behalf of the Artists Association to all the participating artists. The National Pictorial Art Exhibition is a very important exhibition sponsored by the Artists Association since the Fifth National Congress of Chinese Artists of the Association of Chinese Artists. It aims to promote and encourage the broad masses of art workers to follow the party’s “second aspiration” and “ Double hundred ”approach, follow the law of artistic creation, life-oriented, in-depth life, explore the material of artistic creation from life,