经过 5a的育苗试验研究结果表明 ,小叶黄杨种子因具有上胚轴休眠特性 ,所以播种时一般种子含水量不应低于 12 .6 % ,否则将因胚根越冬受害 ,而造成种子生命力下降。在沈阳地区适宜的播种期为 9月上中旬 ,适宜的扦插育苗期为 5月初 ;采用播种育苗适宜的播种量为 50~ 6 0g/m2 ,覆土厚度为 1.5~ 2 .0cm ,冬季防寒覆草厚度为 3cm ,播种苗冬季重点应保护胚根不受冻害。扦插苗冬季防寒覆草厚度以超过苗高 3cm为度
After 5 years, the results of nursery experiment showed that because of the hypocotyls dormancy characteristics, the water content of common seeds should not be less than 12.6% when sowing, otherwise the seed vitality will be decreased due to the overwintering of radicle. The suitable sowing period in Shenyang was in the middle of September and the suitable cuttage seedling stage was in early May. The suitable planting seeding rate was 50 ~ 60 g / m2 and the thickness of soil covering was 1.5 ~ 2.0 cm in winter. Thickness of 3cm, sowing seedlings in winter should focus on protecting the radicle from frostbite. Cutting seedlings cold winter grass cover thickness to exceed the height of 3cm for the degree