Survey of the patients with cleft lip and palate in China who were funded for surgery by the Smile T

来源 :中华医学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shena011
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Background Cleft lip (CL) and cleft palate (CP) are two of the most frequent congenital malformations.Many epidemiologic studies on this deformity have been conducted worldwide, often producing inconsistent results. This study assessed epidemiology and some genetic aspects of cleft lip and palate in a Chinese sample from the Smile Train Program and to compare with other methodologically sound surveys.Methods The general information, family history, classification of cleft and associated malformations of 8000CL and CP surgery patients were analyzed.Results Of the 8000 cases, 7812 had complete data. The distribution of cleft types is 17.04% with CP, 23.39%with CL and 59.58% with cleft lip and palate (CLP). Unilateral clefts were more common than bilateral, with involved 29 CP cases, 41 CL and 156 CLP. The frequency of associated malformations in CLP (3.35%) was higher than CL (2.24%) and CP (2.22%) (P<0.05). Patients with CP or CLP were b less often in the winter than in the summer (P<0.05). A history of family members having clefts occurred in 6.84% of patients. The proportion of CLP cases (7.56%) was significantly higher than that of CL cases (5.64%) (P<0.05).Conclusions The different types of clefts appeared in the highest proportion in CLP and lowest proportion in CP. Males are more common with CL and CLP and less common with CP. These characteristics are the same as those of other Chinese surveys but different from some European reports.
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有一回,正好是彼得节前夕,我跟父亲去打猎。那时沙鸡还小,父亲不想打它们,就到黑麦地旁边的橡树丛里,这种地方常常有鹌鹑。那里草不好割,因此草好久没动过了。花很多,有箭箬、豌豆、三味草、挂钟草、毋忘我花、石竹。我同妹妹或者女仆到那里去的时候,总是采上一大把。可是我跟父亲去就不采花,因为我觉得这样做有失猎人的身份。  忽然之间,宝贝儿踞地作势。我父亲叫了一声:“抓住它!”就在宝贝儿的鼻子下面,一只鹌鹑跳
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