我从1983年初被上海市第六届人民代表大会选出担任全国人大代表以来 ,连选连任 ,已任四届 ,迄今已进入担任全国人大代表的第二十个年头。这二十年正是我国经济社会在党中央的正确领导下 ,愈来愈蓬勃发展的关键时期 ,同时也是进一步发挥人民代表大会制度优越性的“大”好时
Since being elected by the 6th Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress in early 1983 as the deputies of the National People’s Congress, I have been reelected for four consecutive terms and has so far entered the twentieth year as the deputies to the NPC. These two decades are the crucial period for our economy and society to thrive under the correct leadership of the party Central Committee. They are also the “big” good times for further giving full play to the superiority of the people’s congress system