Potato high starch tuber crops, seedling stage of growth period, tuber formation and growth stage, starch accumulation period. Potatoes throughout the growing period, uptake of potassium, nitrogen followed, phosphate at least. Therefore, the fertilization technology should follow the principle of mainly manure, fertilizer supplemented, basal fertilizer, appropriate top dressing. Re-application of basic potato tuber crops, like loose sandy soil. The amount of basal fertilizer generally accounts for more than two-thirds of the total amount of fertilizer, basal fertilizer to full maturity of farmyard, the increase of a certain amount of fertilizers, especially phosphorus and potassium fertilizer as basal fertilizer, which can improve soil physical properties conducive to potato growth And knot tubers. The amount of nitrogen fertilizer in the basal fertilizer accounts for about 50%, and the application method is to apply or apply before planting a depth of 15 cm