九三學社於本月二十四日發表声明抗議美帝扣押我歸國教授學生,声明大意如下: 美帝國主義者,除了武裝干涉我解放台灣,迭次侵我領空,轟炸我安東等地,殘殺我居民外,現在更變本加历,將我科學家钱學森博士、趙忠堯教授与理工学生羅時鈞、沈善烱非法扣押。我們对美帝這種瘋狂野蠻的行動,表示無比的憤怒。我留美科學家回到祖國,參加祖國的建設事業,正和這次居留中國的朝鮮人民回到祖國去,參加祖國的保衙戰爭一样是他們的正當權利和神聖責任,任何國家無權干涉。乃美帝國主義者,竟對我科学家
The Jiu San Society issued a statement on the 24th of this month protesting that the United States and the United States detained the students returning to China. The statement was as follows: The U.S. imperialists, apart from armed intervention, liberated Taiwan, invaded my airspace one after another, bombed Andhra, destroyed my residents In addition, I have now changed this calendar and illegally detained my scientists Dr. Qian Xuesen, Professor Zhao Zhongyao and science students Luo Shijun and Shen Shanjiong. We express incomparable anger at this crazy savage act of the U.S. imperialism. Returning to the United States, scientists returning to the motherland and participating in the motherland’s construction are just as legitimate and sacred as their return to the motherland and their participation in the Bao-Ya War of the motherland. No country has the right to interfere. It is a U.S. imperialist who actually treats me as a scientist