
来源 :中国石油和化工经济分析 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ZXX198811
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石化产业在辽宁省经济发展中一直担当重要支柱产业的角色,辽宁在全国老工业基地中的地位和影响,很大程度体现在石化产业上。2007年是辽宁省石化行业近三年来经济增长质量相对比较好的一年。在这一年里,面对原材料、能源价格上涨,成品油与原油价格严重倒挂,出口退税政策调整,企业资金紧张等不利因素,全行业干部职工以科学发展观为指导,顽强拼搏,勇于进取,全年各项经济指标取得了比较好的效果。 The petrochemical industry has always played an important pillar industry in the economic development of Liaoning Province. The status and influence of Liaoning in the old industrial bases in the country is largely reflected in the petrochemical industry. 2007 is the relatively good year for the petrochemical industry in Liaoning Province in recent three years. During the year, faced with unfavorable factors such as raw material and energy prices, serious price hikes in refined oil and crude oil, the adjustment of export tax rebate policies and the shortage of corporate funds, all cadres and workers in the entire industry are guided by the scientific concept of development and are determined to make progress The annual economic indicators achieved good results.
目的 探讨小儿延迟性脾破裂的发生机理、诊断与治疗。方法 总结16 年来收治的6例小儿延迟性脾破裂的临床资料,6 例均为腹部闭合性损伤,伤后出现脾破裂症状的时间均在48 小时以上,经
这里说的是大公司经营失误的教训,其案例对任何创业者、经营者都不无鉴诫意义。因为,著名公司的经历,既可作楷模也可作镜。 Here is the lesson of big business mistakes,
(一) “七五”时期,我厂投入多,产出少,处于边引进建设,边生产发展的状况,基本情况是:企业的技术经济实力增强,产品结构有很大调整;生产增长,效益却下降。工业总产值1990年
As indispensable parts of culture,superstition and taboo are definitely sensitive problems owing to various features which formed with different cultural backgr