Cholelithiasis and colorectal cancer are common in western countries and rare in Asia and Africa. Both are related to diet, especially “fiber deficiency,” and are associated with abnormal bile acid salt metabolism. Cholesterol supersaturation can form cholesterol stones, which is due to abnormal secretion or synthesis of bile salts. The solubility of cholesterol in bile increases with increasing proportion of chenodeoxycholic acid, whereas the solubility decreases with increasing proportion of deoxycholic acid; this is in part based on chenodeoxycholic acid treatment of cholelithiasis. High-fiber diet can reduce the bile deoxycholic acid, either because it hinders the absorption of distal deoxycholic acid intestinal or reduce intestinal bacteria (deoxycholic acid) of the reason. The increase in bile acid metabolites in the large intestine is thought to be involved in the formation of colorectal cancer, and if this is correct, it is expected that these two diseases will be present in these patients. However, the results of earlier studies are not encouraging. Doouss and Castleden examined the prevalence of cholelithiasis in autopsy and colorectal cancer patients