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A novel 1D coordination polymer of Mn(4-CPOA)(2,2-bipy)(H2O)n (4-CPOA2-=4-carboxylphenoxyac- etate) has been synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, IR and single crystal X-ray diffraction. The crystal crystallizes in monoclinic system, the space group is C2/c, with the crystal cell parameters a=1.437 9(2) nm, b=1.3234(2) nm, c=1.9705(3) nm, β=104.00(3)°and V=3.6383(10) nm3, Mr=423.28, R=0.0659, wR=0.1303. The Mn! ion displays a distorted octahedral coordination configuration, defined by three carboxyl O atoms from different 4-CPOA2- groups, two N atoms from the 2,2-bipyridine ligand and one water molecule. Adjacent Mn! ions are linked by carboxylate groups into a chain structure with the Mn…Mn separation of 0.977 1(3) nm. The two-dimensional supramolecular network is constructed through intermolecular hydrogen bonds and π-πstacking interactions. CCDC: 224464. A novel 1D coordination polymer of Mn (4-CPOA) (2,2-bipy) (H2O) n (4-CPOA2- = 4-carboxylphenoxyac- etate) has been synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, IR and single crystal X- ray diffraction. The crystal crystallizes in a monoclinic system, the space group is C2 / c, with the crystal cell parameters a = 1.437 9 (2) nm, b = 1.3234 (2) nm, 104.00 (3) ° and V = 3.6383 (10) nm3, Mr = 423.28, R = 0.0659, wR = 0.1303. The Mn ion displays a distorted octahedral coordination configuration, defined by three carboxyl O atoms from different 4-CPOA2-groups , two N atoms from the 2,2-bipyridine ligand and one water molecule. Adjacent Mn! ions are linked by carboxylate groups into a chain structure with the Mn ... Mn separation of 0.977 1 (3) nm. The two-dimensional supramolecular network is constructed through intermolecular hydrogen bonds and π-π stacking interactions. CCDC: 224464.
第三节皮埃尔·桑刚1916年10月24日,皮埃尔·桑刚(Pierre Sancan)出生于法国南部的马扎梅,早期在摩洛哥和图卢兹学习钢琴,1934年,进入巴黎音乐学院,1937年在伊夫·奈的班上获
2002年4月4日,IBM在北京国际贸易中心召开了题为“我思故我在(Think for Tomorrow)——庆祝IBM ThinkPad笔记本电脑诞生十周年”大型新闻发布会。IBM个人电脑事业部(PCD)大
1  改变我一生命运走向的事件,与一条路有关。  那是20世纪70年代中期,临近清明,辽南的山岭已是一片郁郁青青。家里为三叔择好了订婚的黄道吉日,母亲正带着未满三周岁的我在外婆家小住。据说,我打小就生得粉妆玉琢、眉清目秀。那个时候,我已经能够遵照大人的指示帮忙取送传递物件,而伯父家的堂兄堂姐远在外地,我就成了整个王氏家族的掌上明珠。为了让我们能够及时回来参加三叔的订婚仪式,父亲亲自到外婆家接我们。
周显波:我们的谈话就从你介绍自己的创作经历开始吧。  巫宏振:我现在广州工作,是书店的图书管理员,每天都有忙不完的琐事,做了一年多了,真让我感到惊讶。工作已经占据了我大部分的时间,我只能下班回来写作。但在上班期间,我还是能继续构思我的小说。有了闲暇,我就看看书,或者想着回去后要怎么连接故事。忽然想到了,我就会写在一张小纸片上,可能是一句对话,可能是一段情节,可能是要修改的或者删除的一个词,等等。总
在纯离子液体1丁基3甲基咪唑磷酸二氢盐(BMIH2PO4)中,采用循环伏安法合成了苯胺和环氧丙烷共聚物(PAN PPO).采用FTIR和SEM对PAN PPO进行表征,同时研究了其对草酸的电催化氧化
泰安医学院建院之初,曾给中国科学院院长、著名书法家郭沫若先生去信,请求他题写院名。不久,接到回信。院长拆开信封,却什么也没有见到。正在纳闷的时候,一位教授进了 At th