利用屋顶搞种养,既能美化环境、改善居住条件、保护屋面,又能增加经济收益。屋顶种养具有光照足、温度大、湿度小、通气好、环境清洁的气候条件,一般适合种养花卉、蔬菜、果、草,也可饲养鸡、鸽、鸭、兔、鱼等经济型小动物。安排屋顶种养项目,需根据屋顶的承受压力来确定。一般屋顶每平方米承受压力在180kg 左右的,可铺土层5cm-20cm,种植草皮、浅根蔬菜或养殖家禽;每平方米承受压力在
The use of rooftop farming, both beautify the environment, improve living conditions, protect the roof, but also increase economic returns. The planting of the roof has the advantages of adequate illumination, large temperature, low humidity, good aeration and clean environment. It is generally suitable for growing flowers, vegetables, fruits and grasses, as well as economical small-sized chickens, pigeons, ducks, rabbits and fish animal. Arrange roof planting projects, according to the roof under pressure to determine. General roof per square meter to withstand the pressure of about 180kg, can shop soil layer 5cm-20cm, planting turf, shallow root vegetables or breeding poultry; per square meter under pressure in the