王旭东 男,1938年生;1965年毕业于哈尔滨艺术学院;现为山东艺术学院美术系副教授、中国画教研室主任,山东孔子学会理事,中国美协会员。作品曾获加拿大中国书画展优秀作品奖、山东省美展一等奖。出版有《王旭东画集》。 王旭东对活动于齐鲁大地的历史文化名人怀着深深的敬慕,以真挚的热情全身心投入创作。“无文不艺”,作者为此研究了大量的历史资料、人物传记及诗文,作品以诗为魂。借景抒情,画面借助诗意的表述而壮重深沉,意境隽永。画唐诗有唐人的博大飘逸,画宋词有宋人的优雅睿智,李清照词意画婉约凄楚中不乏激
Wang Xudong male, born in 1938; graduated from Harbin Institute of Technology in 1965; now he is an associate professor of fine arts department of Shandong Art Institute, director of Chinese painting department, director of Confucius Institute in Shandong, and member of China Artists Association. Works won the Canadian Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition Award for outstanding works, Shandong Province Exhibition first prize. Published “Wang Xudong painting.” Wang Xudong is deeply adored with the historical and cultural celebrities who are active in the Qilu land, devoting himself to creation with his sincere passion. “Inconvenient art”, the author studied a large number of historical data, biographies and poetry, works with poetry as the soul. By the scenery lyric, the picture with poetic expression and heavy, artistic meaning meaningful. Draw the Tang and the Tang’s broad and elegant painting, painting the Song of the Song of the elegant and wise, Li Qingzhao meaning of graceful miserable Chuchu lack of excitement