Ethical semiotics is not a research object of ethics, but a kind of visual field of semiotics research. It believes that human’s symbolic activities are synchronized with life activities, thus requiring semiology to return to the value dimension of human symbolic activities. As the only human beings, Animals that reflect on symbolic activities must assume responsibility for their lives. Although the research of Chinese modern ethos in the modern sense started late and slowed down, ancient Chinese ancient philosophers long ago reflected on the symbolic behavior of human beings. There is indeed a rich ethical concern in their academic thinking about caring for life and paying attention to interpersonal rules Semiotic advice. The systematic exploration and interpretation of Chinese traditional ethical semiotic theory and the combing of Chinese ethical semiotic tradition are of value not only in promoting the exchange of Chinese and Western academic exchanges and in enriching ethical semiotics but also in giving full play to their role of braking in contemporary Chinese society and building a healthy Social development mode.