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在当今这个全新的时代里,我国的旅游业发展越来越被重视,我国是人口大国,具有丰富的客源以及旅游资源,因此旅游业前景良好,被党中央、国务院作为促进国民经济发展的战略方针。我国的旅游市场一直由入境旅游为主导,而国内旅游一直还是其收入的基础,目前的发展方向则是要努力促使国内、入境、出境三大旅游市场和谐发展。根据相关经济专家预测,十年内,我国入境游旅客将会有1亿人次左右,同时国内旅游也预测将达到38亿人次,而出境旅游更将到达1·2亿人次的一个高峰点,这样一来,三大市场的总客流量也将激增到四十多亿人次。伴随这样的增长成绩,我国也即将会登上世界上第一大旅游接待国的宝座,同时囊括第四大旅游客源国和世界上最大的国内旅游市场的荣誉。我国的旅游业能有这样的发展主要在于其丰富的中国元素,而中国元素包罗万象,不管是物质的还是非物质的,都给广大的游客留下了深刻的印象。所以在现在旅游业的发展中,我们应更加注重对中国元素的开发和利用。这篇文章也将侧重于分析如何更合理的开发旅游业中的中国元素。 In this new era, the development of tourism in our country is paid more and more attention. China is a populous country with rich tourist resources and tourism resources. Therefore, the tourism industry has a good prospect and has been used by the Party Central Committee and the State Council as a catalyst for the development of the national economy Strategic policy. China’s tourism market has been dominated by inbound tourism, while domestic tourism has always been the basis of its revenue. The current development direction is to strive to promote the harmonious development of the three major tourism markets in China, inbound and outbound. According to the forecast of relevant economic experts, within a decade, there will be about 100 million inbound tourists in China, while the domestic tourism is also predicted to reach 3.8 billion, while outbound tourism will reach a peak of 122 million. Come, the total traffic volume of the three major markets will also surge to more than 4 billion passengers. With such growth achievements, our country will soon ascend to the throne of the world’s largest tourist destination and at the same time will honor the country as the fourth largest tourist source country and the largest domestic tourism market in the world. China’s tourism industry can have such a development mainly due to its rich Chinese elements, and China’s all-encompassing elements, both material and non-material, have left a deep impression on tourists. Therefore, in the current development of tourism, we should pay more attention to the development and utilization of China’s elements. This article will also focus on analyzing how China can better develop the Chinese elements in tourism.
植物内生真菌(Endophytic fungi)作为一类特殊生境的微生物资源,广泛分布于苔藓植物、蕨类植物、裸子植物以及被子植物类群中,经过与宿主植物的长期协同进化,它们能够产生与宿主植物结构相同或相似的化学物质,并且许多化合物拥有新颖的结构骨架。鉴于此特点,本文以富含生物碱类物质的石蒜科(Amaryllidaceae)水仙属(Narcissus L.)植物水仙(Narcissus tazetta