环剥是目前应用最广的一项苹果树促花促果技术 ,但每年因技术掌握不当造成环剥口不愈合导致死枝死树的现象时有发生。在生产实践中摸索出一种双层植皮方法 ,经多年的试验应用 ,植皮愈合率平均可达 95%,甚至可达 1 0 0 %。1 植皮方法 准备好剪刀、芽接刀、硬纸板、1cm长小铁
Girdling is currently the most widely used technology to promote fruit and promote the development of an apple tree, but each year due to improper technical control caused by non-healing ring limb dead tree dead phenomenon occurs. In the production practice to explore a double skin grafting method, after years of experimental application, skin graft healing rate of up to 95%, or even up to 100%. 1 skin grafting method ready scissors, budding knife, cardboard, 1cm long iron