为了研究亚洲栽培稻与非洲栽培稻种间杂种不育的遗传基础 ,以亚洲栽培稻品种 WAB5 6 - 10 4为测验种与来自种间回交组合 WAB5 6 - 10 4 / CG14 / / WAB5 6 - 10 4 / / / WAB5 6 - 10 4的 14个种间近等基因系测交 ,对亲本及杂种的花粉及小穗育性研究表明 ,这 14个近等基因系带有来自非洲栽培稻品种 CG14的 3个互不等位的配子消除位点和 2个互不等位的花粉不育基因位点 ,其中至少有 2个配子消除位点未曾报道过
In order to study the genetic basis of interspecific hybrid sterility between Asian cultivated rice and African cultivated rice, WAB5 6 - 10 4 cultivars from Asia and WAB5 6 - 10 4 / CG14 / WAB5 6 - Fourteen interspecies near-isogenic lines of 10 4 / / / WAB5 6 - 10 4 were used to test the pollen and spikelet fertility of parents and hybrids. The 14 near-isogenic lines with cultivars from African cultivars Three non-allelic gametogenic loci and two non-allelic pollen-sterile gene loci of CG14, of which at least two gametocidal sites have not been reported