踏踏板 跳跳操

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练习踏板操可以根据自身情况很容易地保持运动减肥的有效强度,同时能更有效地提高自身的协调性。所谓踏板操,就是指在踏板上随着动感音乐,有节奏地上下舞动,进行健美操的动作和步伐。它具有健美操的所有特点,同时,由于大部分动作是在踏板上完成,所以能更有效地增强心肺功能及协调性。因其主要针对的部位是下肢和臀部,具有明显耗能减脂,提臀美腿,改善肌肉线条的功效,尤其受到众多女性的青睬。 Practicing pedal exercise can easily maintain the effective strength of exercise to lose weight, while more effectively improve their own coordination. The so-called pedal exercise, refers to the pedal with dynamic music, rhythmically up and down dancing, aerobics movements and pace. It has all the characteristics of aerobics, at the same time, most of the action is done on the pedal, so it can more effectively enhance cardiopulmonary function and coordination. Because of its main target areas are the lower extremities and buttocks, with significant energy consumption and fat, hip and legs to improve the effectiveness of muscle lines, especially by many women’s favor.