
来源 :江苏航空 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wyq0221
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截止到2000年底,全球大约有716家公司,其中大多数航空公司主营客运业务,同时兼营货运航班,只有91家航空公司经营定期全货运航班。2000年ICAO缔约国定期航班完成货运量3023万吨,比1990年的1664万吨增长了81.5%,10年间年均增长率为6.1%;而客运量年均增长为3.6%。据预测,世界航空货运量在未来20年中将以年均6.4%的速度增长,这一速度远高于客运4.7%的增长率。亚太地区作为21世纪世界经济的主要增长点,也将成为航空货运市场的新增长点,其航空货运市场的增长速度将比世界货运增长更快。中国作为亚太地区最活跃的经济体之一,其航空货运具有更广阔的发展前景。在这样的大环境下,我们要以民航深化改革,实施航空企业重组为契机,优化航空货运资源的配置,提高航空公司货运竞争能力。 By the end of 2000, there were about 716 companies in the world, most of which were mainly passenger business and concurrently operated cargo flights. Only 91 airlines operated regular cargo flights. In 2000, ICAO contracting parties completed 30.23 million tons of cargo on scheduled flights, an increase of 81.5% over 16.64 million tons in 1990, an average annual growth rate of 6.1% in 10 years; while the average annual growth of passenger traffic was 3.6%. It is predicted that world air cargo traffic will grow at an average annual rate of 6.4% in the next 20 years, much faster than the passenger growth rate of 4.7%. As the main growth point of the world economy in the 21st century, the Asia-Pacific region will also become a new growth point for the air cargo market. Its air cargo market will grow at a faster rate than world freight traffic. As one of the most active economies in the Asia Pacific region, China has a much broader prospect of air cargo. Under such a large environment, we should take the opportunity of deepening the reform of the civil aviation industry and implementing the reorganization of aviation enterprises, optimizing the allocation of air cargo resources and enhancing the competitiveness of air cargo shipping companies.
只有驴叫声在空院,声音发黄  路过麦皂,万物失去耳目  黄沟,黄墙,黄窑洞  回忆着泛黄的童声  泥巴和柴火,等着过路人寻水  白额的驴只掌管时光  有炊烟两缕,从熟地黄的土垛间升起  举着双手投降  四十里外的县城,推三轮车的村长  正在饭馆里  咀嚼一块黄糕