九·一八事变后,日本帝国主义得寸进尺,侵华气焰甚嚣尘上。这时,任第四路军八十八师司令部中校参谋的谢晋元,面对被蹂躏的祖国江山,愤恨难遏,他曾向友人表示:要以岳飞,文天祥为榜样,“临大节而不辱,处危难能自若”。他决心以身许国,把妻子送到广东原籍安置后,立即返防待命。临别,他对妻子说:“半壁江山,日遭蚕食。这亡国灭种的大祸,是由他人发动的,但国家子孙的命运还要靠我们自己来掌握,为国杀敌,是革命军人的职责所在,为国当不能顾家”。他慷慨辞别妻儿,奔赴抗日前哨上海战场。 1937年8月13日晨,日本侵略军以租界和黄浦
After the September 18th Incident, the Japanese imperialists have scaled their own footwork and invaded China with arrogance. At this time, Ren Jinyuan, who was the lieutenant colonel of the headquarters of the 88th Division of the Fourth Route Army, said in his face of the devastated motherland and resentment. He once said to his friends: Take Yue Fei and Wen Tianxiang as examples, Festival without shame, the crisis can be self-sufficient “. He was determined to take the country and send his wife to Guangdong to reset his homeland immediately after the resettlement. Parting, he said to his wife: ”Half of the country is being eaten by the enemy. This is a disaster that has been launched by others. However, the fate of our country’s children and grandchildren depends on ourselves. Duty, as the country can not be Gu ’. He generously bid farewell to his wife and children, rushed to the anti-Japanese outpost in Shanghai battlefield. On the morning of August 13, 1937, Japanese aggressors took the concessions and Huangpu