全国审计机关和广大审计人员盼望 已久的《财政违法行为处罚处分条 例》(简称《条例》)近日已经正式出台。 《条例》的颁布施行,必将有利于维护国 家财政经济秩序,有效制止各种财政违 法行为,更好地促进我国社会主义市场 经济的健康发展。同时,这也是我国审计 法制建设的一件大事,或者说是我国审 计法制建设的一个重要里程碑,它必将 有利于更好地促进审计机关坚持依法审 计,规范审计处理处罚行为,努力提高审 计工作水平。
The “long-awaited Regulations on the Punishment of Financial Illegal Activities” (the “Regulations”) promulgated by auditing agencies and auditors throughout the country have been formally promulgated recently. The promulgation and implementation of the “Regulations” will surely be conducive to safeguarding the national financial and economic order, effectively stopping various financial illegal acts and better promoting the healthy development of China’s socialist market economy. At the same time, this is also an important event in the construction of our country’s auditing legal system, or an important milestone in the construction of China’s legal system for auditing. It will surely help to better promote the auditing organs to adhere to the principle of auditing according to law, standardize the handling of auditing and handling penalties, and strive to improve the auditing work Level.