
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:warewell
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Objective This study was undertaken to evaluate the diagnostic manage ment and the reproductive outcome after surgical repair of a rare reproductive malformati on. Study design Sixteen women with a complete septate uterus, double cervix, an d a longitudinal vaginal septum were referred for evaluation. Presenting complai nts were chiefly pregnancy loss in parous women (n=9) and dyspareunia in nulligr avid women (n=7). The combination of hysterosalpingography, ultrasonography, and /or magnetic resonance imaging was used to correctly identify the anomaly in 15 of the 16 cases. Both hysteroscopic (n=11) and transabdominal (n=5) surgical tec hniqueswere used to repair the uterine septum. Results In no case was the correc t diagnosis made before referral; the uterus didelphys was the most common misdi agnosis. The preoperative pregnancy loss was 81%. Postoperatively, 12 women con ceived for a total of 17 pregnancies; there were 14 term live births or ongoing pregnancies in the third trimester (82%), with a first trimester spontaneous ab ortion rate of 18%. In 9 women who conceived after hysteroscopic surgery, term live births occurred in 9 of 12 (75%) conceptions. A modified Tompkins metropla sty was performed in 5 women with subsequent term live births or ongoing third t rimester pregnancies in 5 of 5 (100%) patients. Conclusion The identification o f a duplicated cervix and a vaginal septum is consistent with several uterine ma lformations, which leads to frequent misdiagnosis and errors in management. Sign ificant pregnancy wastage, obstetric complications, and dyspareunia are common, and surgical treatment is there-fore advisable. Making the best choice between hysteroscopic or transabdominal metroplasty depends on the anatomic features of the cervix and the uterine cavity, but optimal patient management requires famil iarity with both techniques. Objective This study was undertaken to evaluate the diagnostic management and the reproductive outcome after surgical repair of a rare reproductive malformati on.. Study design Sixteen women with a complete septate uterus, double cervix, an extensive longitudinal vaginal septum were referred for evaluation. nts were chiefly pregnancy loss in parous women (n = 9) and dyspareunia in nulligr avid women (n = 7). The combination of hysterosalpingography, ultrasonography, and / or magnetic resonance imaging was used to correctly identify the anomaly in 15 of the 16 Both In hysteroscopic (n = 11) and transabdominal (n = 5) surgical tec hniqueswere used to repair the uterine septum. Results In no case was the correc t diagnosis made before referral; the uterus didelphys was the most common misdi agnosis. The preoperative pregnancy loss was 81%. Postoperatively, 12 women con ceived for a total of 17 pregnancies; there were 14 term live births or just pregnancies in the third trimeste r (82%), with a first trimester spontaneous abortion rate of 18%. In 9 women who conceived after hysteroscopic surgery, term live births occurred in 9 of 12 (75%) conceptions. A modified Tompkins metroplasty was performed in 5 women with subsequent term live births or ongoing third t rimester pregnancies in 5 of 5 (100%) patients. Conclusion The identification ofa duplicated cervix and a vaginal septum is consistent with several uterine ma lformations, which leads to frequent misdiagnosis and errors in management. Significant pregnancy wastage, obstetric complications, and dyspareunia are common, and surgical treatment is there-fore advisable. Making the best choice between hysteroscopic or transabdominal metroplasty depends on the anatomic features of the cervix and the uterine cavity, but optimal patient management requires famil iarity with both techniques.
1 病例报告患者男,27岁,因猎枪走火致左大腿枪伤39h后就诊。伤后大腿创面出血致失血性休克,在当地县医院行伤口加压包扎、输全血800ml及抗休克治疗,血压正常后转来我院。查
近两年来,我院诊治战士疲劳骨折98例,现将其临床及X线片表现等分析报告如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般情况 本组98例均为男性战士,年龄17~19岁92例,19岁6例。当年入伍97例,第2年