突出思想政治建设 做好党委办公室工作

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江泽民同志谆谆告诫我们:“领导干部要讲政治。”党委办公室是党委的“参谋部”、领导的“左右手”,这种特殊的工作性质和工作环境,要求党委办公室在各项工作中都必须讲政治,并十分重视办公室自身的思想政治建设。 一、通过加强理论学习,树立坚定正确的政治方向。处于党委工作“中枢”环节的党委办公室,其干部队伍的思想政治素质如何,有无坚定正确的政治方向,直接关系着党委工作的质量和效率,关系着改革开放和现代化建设的大局。应当肯定,各级党委办公室的干部在建设有中国特色社全主义的实践中,是能够坚持四项基本原则的,在政治上头脑是清醒的、坚定的。但我们必须看到,在建设社会主义市场经济体制的过程中,确有一些同志不同程度地存在着忽视政治的倾向,甚至把讲政治与发展经济对立起来。特别是对一些重大问题的认识,由于这些同志不重视马列主义理论学习,缺乏应有的政治鉴别力或政治敏感性,因而遇事不能见微知著、明辨是非,适应不了党委工作和领导的需要。有鉴于此,我们必须把加强党委办公室的政治理论学习、提高党委办公室的整体政 Comrade Jiang Zemin kept telling us: “Leading cadres should talk about politics.” The party committee office is the “staff officer” of the party committees and the “right hand” of the leaders. This special type of work and working environment require that the office of the party committees must work in all aspects of work Politics, and attaches great importance to the ideological and political building of the office itself. First, by strengthening theoretical study, establish a firm and correct political direction. Party committees and offices in the “central” part of Party committees’ work have a firm and correct political orientation on the ideological and political qualifications of their cadres. They are directly related to the quality and efficiency of the work of Party committees and the overall situation of reform, opening up and modernization. It should be affirmed that in the practice of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, cadres in Party committees at all levels are capable of upholding the four cardinal principles and are politically clear-headed and firm. However, we must realize that during the process of building a socialist market economic system, some comrades do have the tendency of ignoring politics to varying degrees and even oppose the politics of economics and the development of economy. In particular, they are aware of some major issues. Since these comrades did not attach importance to the study of Marxism-Leninism theories and lacked the political discrimination or political sensibility they deserved, they could not see the misunderstanding in the event of a misdemeanor, their right and wrong, and the need of party committees for their work and leadership. In view of this, we must enhance the study of the political theory in the office of the party committees and improve the overall policy of the party committee office
自20世纪70年代以来,学术语篇分析受到越来越多的关注。作为一种重要的语言特征,情态在学术语篇中也得到了广泛的关注。然而,大多数研究都集中在学术语篇中情态所表达的人际意义上,不同学科之间的情态使用情况的比较研究较少。因此,本研究试图从系统功能语法的角度比较研究不同英语学术语篇中的情态使用情况。在本研究中,作者选取了 2013年至2017年出版的90篇人文科学、社会科学和自然科学的学术论文,且论文分
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