
来源 :淮北煤炭师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:longlong2ddd
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一个时代的学风文风状况,不但反映着学者文士的精神风貌,而且直接关系到一个社会道德风尚的趋向,关系到社会政治、经济、教育、文化等等的健康发展,关系到整个国家人民生活的文明程度、健全程度。当前,学风文风问题已引起学术界、教育界及全社会各界有识之士的普遍关注,与学风文风问题相关联的学术规范与学术道德问题讨论被评为2004年度中国十大学术热点之一。复旦大学王运熙等先生从不同角度、不同经历对学风文风问题进行讨论,对目前学术界、教育界、文化界在学风文风问题上存在的一些不良现象,具有较强的针砭价值和一定的参考意义,值得我们重视。我们党的四代领导集体代表毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民、胡锦涛都是优良学风文风的典范。要使党的优良学风和文风能够在全社会得到发扬光大,我们知识分子有着义不容辞的责任,必须从我做起,同样保持作为知识分子的先进性。本刊特发表李士金博士对复旦知名学者王运熙、黄霖、陈允吉、宗廷虎、姚福申、杨明等的访谈录,以飨读者。 The style of style and style of study in an era not only reflects the spiritual outlook of scholars and scribes, but also is directly related to the trend of social morality and customs. It is also related to the healthy development of social politics, economy, education and culture, and to the life of people in the entire country Civilization, soundness. At present, the issue of style of study and writing has aroused widespread concern among the people in the academic, educational and social fields. The academic norms and academic ethics issues that are associated with the style of study and style are honored as one of the top ten academic hot spots in China in 2004 . Fudan University, Mr. Wang Yunxi and other from different angles and different experiences to discuss the style of study and style, the academic, educational, cultural circles in the style of study and writing on the existence of some adverse phenomena, has a strong stingy value and some reference value , Worthy of our attention. The representatives of the leaders of the four generations of our party on behalf of Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao are all examples of fine style of study and style of study. To enable the party’s excellent style of study and style of writing to flourish in the whole society, we intellectuals have an unshirkable responsibility that we must start with and maintain the advanced nature as an intellectual. In this issue, we published an interview with Dr. Li Shijin on Wang Yunxi, Huang Lin, Chen Yunji, Zong Tinghu, Yao Fushen and Yang Ming, renowned scholars in Fudan University.
阅读是人们必备的生活技能,阅读能力是语文教学的重要指标。新一轮改革,给阅读教学带来了许多新的理念,丰富了阅读内涵、教学的方法和手段,但一套立竿见影的教学方法和行之高效的训练体系仍遥不可及。急功近利让不少语文教师陷入“改革→否定→推到”的困局,出现浮躁、迷失等改革不适症。所以,我们要沉下心来,追本溯源,探寻阅读的本质,汲取传统教学之精华。  人们对阅读的认识是“感知、识别、理解语言文字符号的一种活动
1  签证,出国,留学,抑郁症,约会,美国办证,教堂婚礼,领David回国,毕业典礼,搬进芝加哥,海投简历,电话面试,当场面试,工作聘书,大麻合法,怀双胞胎,生双胞胎,找代理买房,写辞职邮件,找代理卖房,再找代理买房,折腾母亲过来,再投简历,再找工作,怀老三Kevin,再辞工作,搬出芝加哥……来美国这些年,沈小红总忘不掉省城道里区的曼哈顿。出差去过两次纽约,她压根儿就没逛纽约的Manhattan。