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校园文化是学校师生共同创造和享受的学校各种文化的总和,是一所学校的灵魂。语文教学是文化知识的传承、文化精神的积淀与挖掘的过程,与校园文化有着密切的关系。如何通过语文教学促进校园文化建设,从三个方面提出一些看法:优化语文教学为校园文化奠定基础;语文学习与生活融为一体;开展丰富的语文课外活动,推动校园文化建设。 Campus culture is a school of teachers and students to create and enjoy the sum of the various cultures, is the soul of a school. Chinese teaching is the inheritance of cultural knowledge, the accumulation of cultural spirits and the process of mining, and has close relationship with campus culture. How to promote the construction of campus culture through Chinese teaching? Some suggestions are put forward in three aspects: optimizing Chinese teaching lays the foundation for campus culture; integrating Chinese study with life; carrying out rich extracurricular activities in Chinese and promoting the construction of campus culture.
在第十七届亚运会上,中国军团约70%的金牌为第一次参加亚运会的年轻选手获得,“90后”成为其身份标签。  尽管在奥运会、全运会和各单项锦标赛的夹缝中,亚运会已渐现“鸡肋”的窘境,但2014年10月4日闭幕的第十七届亚运会却注定会在中国体育史上留下浓墨重彩的一笔——在仁川的16天,中国军团经历了不一样的喜、怒、哀、乐。  喜:  霸主地位无可撼动 游泳、田径取得突破  随着许昕在乒乓球男子单打决赛中