圆的周长和直径的比值是一个常数,这个数学里经常用到的重要的常数叫做圆周率,通常我们用希腊字母π来表示.圆周率的记号π源自希腊语“圆周”的打头字母,它为琼斯(W.Jones,1675 ̄1749年)首先使用.东汉初年,我国的数学书《周髀算经》里已经有“周三径一”(就是说,直径是1的圆,
The ratio of the circumference of the circle to the diameter is a constant. The important constant used in this math is called the pi, and we usually use the Greek letter π. The symbol π of the pi is derived from the initial letter of the Greek “circumference”. It was first used by Jones (W. Jones, 1675 ~ 1749). In the early Eastern Han Dynasty, there was already a “Weekly Path 1” (that is, a circle with a diameter of 1) in our mathematical book “The Zhouyi Opera”.