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继电保护和测控装置等智能电子设备下放直接安装在开关柜上已经成为一种标准典型方案,也尝试将其安装在GIS开关柜上,但不时发生原因不明的继电保护误动作使人们怀疑这种方案的可行性。实际上,现行的电磁兼容标准已经满足需要。为了确保智能电子设备能够耐受就地安装的电磁干扰水平,正常发挥功能,智能电子设备应按照最新最严酷的电磁兼容标准进行开发和试验;宜将就地安装的智能电子设备作为高压开关设备和控制设备辅助和控制回路的一部分,参与其所有的型式试验;工程设计时特别注意一次二次系统接地方面的安排;现场施工严格按照设计和施工要求进行;日常维护时也应特别注意检查接地等电磁兼容措施的完好性。 Relay protection and monitoring devices such as smart electronic devices placed directly on the switchgear cabinet has become a typical example of the program, but also try to install it in the GIS switchgear, but from time to time unexplained relay protection malfunction so that people suspect this Feasibility of the program. In fact, the current EMC standards have been met. In order to ensure that the intelligent electronic equipment can withstand the electromagnetic interference level installed locally and function normally, the intelligent electronic equipment should be developed and tested according to the latest and most stringent EMC standards. The intelligent electronic equipment to be installed locally should be used as a high voltage switchgear And control equipment auxiliary and control loop part involved in all of its type test; engineering design special attention to a secondary system grounding arrangements; site construction in strict accordance with the design and construction requirements; routine maintenance should pay special attention to check the ground Electromagnetic compatibility measures such as the integrity.
呼和浩特市水泥厂(以下简称呼市水泥厂)2号窑为带余热锅炉的流态化预分解窑,回转窑规格为φ3.5m/3.0m×57m,汽轮机装机容量6000 kV.具体生产工艺为生料人分解炉,分解炉类