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王阳明良知学说的哲理蕴涵极为丰富,必须从不同的层面展开诠释,方可揭示出其有体有用的全幅意义。从本体论层面看,良知与性体心体一样,既内在又超越。内在是指良知即天道天理在人心中的呈现,超越则谓良知即人生宇宙一切万有的形上根据。良知从本体界进入存在界,则表现为实存生命的活泼创造生机,既为世界带来了无尽的价值,也使意义的建构成为可能。将良知视为人的天植灵根,更突出了儒家人性至善的一贯思想,不仅显示了其发动起用的积极动能,更能够维护生命本有的尊严和价值,要在使每一生命都活泼自由畅遂调适,从而更自觉地参与社会历史文化的创造活动。良知在主体论层面上,又表现为人的道德理知与道德情感。良知能够自知自身本然之善或心性本然之善,又自然地朗现为廓然大公的道德判断准则,并以道德律令的形式自然地、不容已地指导行为实现善。与康德认为道德情感不能通向自由意志不同,道德情感既是良知的重要显现方式或实现方法,也是上达本体境界或步人自由意志不可或缺的生命实践环节。良知从本体界与存在界转入主体界与实践界,则不能不特别强调“致良知”的工夫。致良知的目的乃是要实现生命的至善价值与至善意义,成就博大的人格气象和圆善的人生理想,既是人类安身立命的终极性归宿,也是人类最伟大的人性去蔽化改造工程。 The philosophical implication of Wang Yang-ming’s theory of consummation of knowledge is extremely rich, and interpretation must be carried out from different aspects in order to reveal its useful and full meaning. At the ontological level, conscience is as intrinsic and transcendental as the physical body. Intrinsic refers to the conscience that heaven’s natural reasoning in the heart of the show, beyond that is the conscience of all the universe of life in all the metaphysical basis. When conscience enters the realm of existence from the ontology, it manifests itself in the liveliness and vitality of the real existence, which not only brings endless value to the world, but also makes the construction of meaning possible. The conscience is regarded as the root of human beings day. It even highlights the consistent thought of Confucian humanity perfection. It not only shows the positive momentum of its initiation but also maintains the dignity and value inherent in life. It is necessary to make every life lively Free and easy adaptation, and thus more consciously participate in the creation of social history and culture activities. On the level of subject theory, conscience manifests itself as human moral and moral feelings. Conscience can know its good nature or the nature of the nature of goodness, but also spontaneously emerge as the moral judgment of the Grand Duke, and in the form of moral ordinances, naturally and incautiously guide the behavior to achieve good. Different from Kant’s view that moral sentiment can not lead to free will, moral sentiment is not only an important manifestation or realization method of conscience, but also an essential part of life practice that reaches the will of the noumenon or step free human beings. Conscience turns from the ontology and the existential one into the main and the practical one, which can not but emphasize “the conscience”. The purpose of the cause of conscience is to realize the value of perfection and the meaning of perfection for the sake of life. The achievement of broad personality and ideal of life are not only the ultimate destination for human beings to make their own lives, but also the most humane transformation of humanity.
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他站上讲台的第一件事,是用慧黠的眼睛,把台下的同学扫一遍,直到每一个都安静下来,才略带调皮地笑着说:“现在我们开始上历史课。首先,我问你们一个问题:你们想照历史课本上写的讲,还是要听我讲真正的历史?”  台下学生都是刚刚上了台中一中的高一新生,早上朝会时,我们才见识到高二、高三学长用集体的嘘声,如何把校长嘘下台,感受一种叛逆的精神,如今来这么一个带劲的老师,简直太令人兴奋了,异口同声说:“要听真正