1 引言 早在1930年,美国就开始应用蓄冷中央空调的技术,最先使用于教堂、剧院,这些场所要求间歇性供冷,负荷较为集中,但是此后这方面的技术一直未有大的进展。70年代以来,随着世界范围的能源危机,促使蓄冷技术的再度发展。80年代以后,欧洲和东南亚等,一些经济发达国家,对电价实行了分时制电价计费,人们对蓄冷技术的应用开始作进一步的研究,并向普及和提高发展。韩国和日本发展得较好,尤其是日本,由于能源比较紧张,家用型的蓄
1 Introduction As early as 1930, the United States began to apply the technology of cold storage central air conditioning. It was first used in churches and theaters. These places require intermittent cooling and have a relatively heavy load. However, no major progress has been made in this respect since then. Since the 1970s, with the worldwide energy crisis, it has prompted the re-development of cold storage technology. Since the 1980s, Europe and Southeast Asia, some economically developed countries have implemented tariff-based tariffs on electricity tariffs. People have begun to make further studies on the application of cold storage technologies, and have started to popularize and improve their development. South Korea and Japan have developed well, especially in Japan, where energy-intensive and household-based