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据新华社11月20日报道,一年一度的中央电视台2006年度黄金资源广告招标会日前在北京落下帷幕,经过一整天的激烈争夺,近400个广告标的已各归其主,总标额达到58.69亿元,而宝洁继去年以3.85亿元成为中标额最高的企业,又以3.94亿元的投标总额再次位居今年企业中标额的第一名。在央视招标中中标额最高的企业,外界俗称为“标王”。在宝洁公司之前,央视中标额最高的企业全都是国内的品牌。为什么宝洁公司连续两年投入巨资去当投标第一名呢?在中国内地,只有中央电视台是唯一一家真正覆盖全国的电视 According to the Xinhua News Agency report on November 20, the annual CCTV Advertising Awards for Gold Resources 2006 came to an end in Beijing recently. After a fierce day of competition, nearly 400 advertising targets have been returned to their respective owners and the total quota Reached 5.869 billion yuan, while P & G last year to 385 million yuan to become the highest bidder of the enterprise, but also with 394 million yuan bid once again ranked the first place in this year’s winning bid. Bidding in the highest bid in the CCTV business, the outside world commonly known as “standard Wang ”. Before Procter & Gamble, CCTV won the highest bid for all the domestic brands. Why Procter & Gamble invested heavily in two consecutive years as the first bid? In mainland China, only CCTV is the only truly national television
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