徐连德人本分、老实,对人实在。他的这种性格或许不适合干裁判,但裁判员如果人的本质不好,工作也是干不好的。徐连德的秉性使他在场上、场下赢得了人们的尊敬。 徐连德1975年从沈阳体院毕业后,曾在鞍山业体校当了一年的教练,这一年对他挺关键,使他得以把书本上的知识与实际情况结合在一起,对足球运动本身的认识有了一种升华的感觉。于是他便凭着这种感觉在足坛上留下了一串串清晰的脚印。1977年,徐连
Xu Lian German people part, honest, true to others. His character may not be suitable for dry referees, but referees do not work well if their nature is not good. Xu Liande’s nature made him on the court, won the respect of people. After graduating from the Shenyang Institute of Physical Education in 1975, Xu Liande was a year-long coach at Anshan Vocational School. This year was very crucial to him, enabling him to combine the knowledge of the book with the actual situation, There is a feeling of sublimation. So he relied on this feeling in the football left a string of clear footprints. In 1977, Xu Lian