
来源 :中国学校卫生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:
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目的了解广州市中学生重度饮酒行为的影响因素,为青少年过量饮酒行为干预提供依据。方法 2013年5—6月,采用多阶段分层随机整群抽样方法抽取广州市4个区初一、初二、高一和高二学生5 922名,采用自填问卷进行饮酒行为调查。结果 7.51%的男生和3.27%的女生有重度饮酒行为,性别间差异有统计学意义(χ2=55.882,P<0.01)。采用广义混合线性模型,在调整学校聚集性、学生性别、年龄、学校类别、社会经济地位指标后,父、母亲饮酒频率≥2次/月,同伴中50%及以上饮酒、同伴中小部分及以上有重度饮酒行为的青少年较有可能重度饮酒;在控制其他父母/同伴饮酒行为的影响后,同伴饮酒及同伴重度饮酒仍然是青少年重度饮酒行为的预测因子(P值均<0.05)。结论父、母饮酒及同伴饮酒与青少年重度饮酒均有关联,其中以同伴饮酒相关性较高。应针对学生饮酒特点,在学校开展拒绝饮酒的专题健康教育。 Objective To understand the influencing factors of heavy drinking behavior among middle school students in Guangzhou and provide the basis for the intervention of excessive drinking behavior among adolescents. Methods From May to June 2013, a total of 5 922 students from the first day, the second day, the first year and the second year in four districts of Guangzhou were recruited by stratified multistage stratified random cluster sampling. The self-filling questionnaire was used to investigate the alcohol drinking behavior. Results 7.51% of boys and 3.27% of girls had severe alcohol consumption, the difference was statistically significant (χ2 = 55.882, P <0.01). Using generalized mixed linear model, after adjusting school aggregation, gender, age, school type and socioeconomic status indicators, parents and mothers drinking more than 2 times per month, 50% or more of peers drinking, small and medium companions and above Adolescents who have severe alcohol consumption are more likely to have heavy alcohol consumption. Comparing their alcohol consumption and their peers’ heavy drinking remained the predictor of heavy alcohol abuse (P <0.05) after controlling for the influence of other parents / peers. Conclusions Parental, parental drinking and companion drinking are associated with severe alcohol consumption in adolescents, with a higher association with alcohol consumption among peers. Students should be directed at the characteristics of alcohol consumption, the school refused to drink thematic health education.
硝苯吡啶(nifedipine,NIF)是一种有效的钙离子通道拮抗剂,据国外文献报道,服用NIF导致牙龈增生的发病率为15%~85%,国内报道为20.8%.主要表现为上、下颌前牙牙龈明显增生, 轻者
目的:探讨护理教育在预防呼吸机相关性肺炎中的作用.方法:选取我院2016年5月-2017年6月在I C U病房治疗的100例患者,对I C U病房中的30名护理人员在2016年4月进行预防呼吸机
采用碘仿、甲硝唑糊剂作为根管充填剂,治疗恒牙尖周炎478个(男221,女257) ,年龄14~65岁,前牙171个,前磨牙157个,磨牙150个,有窦道者56个.