发生心室颤动或心脏停搏之前出现的心脏自律性或传导性异常称为恶性心律失常。恶性心律失常又称为致命性心律失常或危险性心律失常,是导致心源性猝死的主要原因,现以本院1例儿科恶性心律失常病例的心电图特点予以讨论。病例资料患儿,女性,5岁,因阵发性头痛2天入院,伴有发热,精神差,入院前3小时抽搐一次,持续约50min缓解,病程中呕吐4次,非喷射性,呕吐物为咖啡样物,无鲜血及血块,大便正常,无黑便。查体:血压100/60 mmH g,神清,精神反应稍弱,呼吸规则,咽部充血,双肺呼吸音粗,无干湿性啰音,
Cardiac voluntary or cardiac abnormalities that precede ventricular fibrillation or cardiac arrest are called malignant arrhythmias. Malignant arrhythmia, also known as fatal arrhythmia or dangerous arrhythmia, is the leading cause of sudden cardiac death, and is now discussed in one electrocardiogram of a pediatric malignant arrhythmia. Case data Child, female, 5 years old, admitted to hospital with paroxysmal headache for 2 days, accompanied by fever, poor spirit, twitching 3 hours before admission, sustained about 50min to relieve, vomiting during the course of 4 times, non-jet, vomit For coffee samples, no blood and blood clots, normal stools, no melatonin. Physical examination: blood pressure 100/60 mmH g, God clear, slightly weaker mental reactions, breathing rules, throat congestion, lung breath sounds rough, dry and wet rales,