【摘 要】
千年龙抬头 ,发祥正当时。在这辞旧迎新之际 ,我藉《中国经贸导刊》这个媒体 ,向全国经贸战线的同志们及其家属拜年。过去的一年 ,尽管中国经济遇到了比较多的困难 ,但在党中
千年龙抬头 ,发祥正当时。在这辞旧迎新之际 ,我藉《中国经贸导刊》这个媒体 ,向全国经贸战线的同志们及其家属拜年。过去的一年 ,尽管中国经济遇到了比较多的困难 ,但在党中央、国务院领导下 ,及时采取因应措施 ,坚持推进改革开放 ,国民经济保持了良好的发展势头 ,取得显著成
Millennium dragon rise, fat at the moment. On the occasion of this new year’s greetings, I borrowed the media of China’s Economic and Trade Papers to pay greetings to the comrades and their families in the national economic and trade fronts. In the past year, despite more difficulties encountered by the Chinese economy, under the leadership of the Central Party Committee and the State Council, they took timely measures to persist in carrying out the policy of reform and opening up. The national economy maintained a good momentum of development and achieved remarkable success.
【摘要】随着用电负荷的不断扩大,电网科学规划的重要性越来越明显,文章基于差异化视角对电网规划技术进行了分析,具有一定的参考价值。 【关键词】差异化;电网规划 【中图分类号】TM862 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1672—5158(2012)10-0250-01 泵站的直流系统是蓄电池组与浮充电装置并联供给直流负荷的运行系统。正常情况下,直流电源的正、负母线对地是绝缘的,当回路发生一点
在青海旅游黄金季节 ,全国30个自治州的198名财政官员聚会柴达木 ,参加由海西州财政局承办的全国少数民族自治州第15次财政理论研讨会。这次理论研讨会上 ,与会者就西部大开发形势下
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Objective:A novel portable and intelligent fluid resuscitation infuser is proposed in this paper. It satisfies the demands of long time use in harsh environment
1 热带轧机在线检测新设备 图1是安装于Hoesch钢铁公司热带轧机上的新的检测及控制系统的示意图。 1.1 粗轧机的板坯尺寸控制 实践表明,热带的断面厚度及宽度是热轧带钢粗轧
Rice gall dwarf virus(RGDV)is an important rice pathogen in China and Southeast Asia.However,little is known about the molecular mechanisms of RGDV interactions