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中国人民解放军总后勤部卫生部医学科学技术委员会药学专业组第二次专业会议于去年12月1日至5日在成都召开。出席会议的有军内药学界代表56人,军外特邀代表2人。会议由全军药学专业组组长李承佑教授,副组长谭世杰教授等主持。会议进行了工作总结、专题报告、大会和小组学术交流,并对如何开创全军药学新局面进行了深入细致的讨论。这次会议共收到论文460篇,是我军历届药学学术会议论文最多的一次。论文涉及药学专业的各个领域,反映近三年来我军药学科学技术水平有了很大的提高,军用新药及平战结合新药的研究也有了很大的进展,其中抗放、抗疟、中麻催醒、临床药学等方面的研究已接近或基本达到国内先进水平,有的还处于领先的地位,药事管理及医院输液等方面工作也有很大的进展。但薄弱环节还不少,工作发展不够平衡,从各大单位对所属医院药剂质量调查的情况来看,不少单位药剂质量仍然存在许多问题,还需引起足够的重视。会议对如何结合部队的实际情况开展临床药学;如何结合整顿以提高药剂质量;如何挖掘潜力采取多种途径迅速地培养我军药学人才以及如何引进新技术,开展技术革新,改善装备等进行了认真的讨论,并提出了合 PLA General Logistics Department of the Ministry of Health Medical Science and Technology Committee of Pharmaceutical Professional Group of the second professional meeting December 1 to 5 held last year in Chengdu. Attending the meeting were 56 representatives from the military pharmaceutical academic community and 2 specially invited representatives outside the military. The meeting was presided over by Professor Li Chengyou, head of the PLA’s pharmacy specialty team and Professor Tan Shijie, deputy head of the conference. The meeting conducted a summary of work, special reports, conferences and group academic exchanges, and conducted a thorough and detailed discussion on how to create a new situation in the PLA’s pharmaceutical industry. A total of 460 papers have been received at this meeting, which is the largest number of dissertations of the previous academic conferences of our armed forces. Papers related to various fields of pharmacy, reflecting the military science and technology in recent years, our military has greatly improved the level of military new drugs and Pinghu combined with new drug research has made great progress, including anti-Fang, anti-malaria, Ma Reminders, clinical pharmacy and other aspects of the research is close to or basically reached the domestic advanced level, and some are still in a leading position, pharmacy management and hospital infusion and other aspects of the work has made great progress. However, there are still a few weaknesses and the work development is not balanced enough. According to the survey on the pharmaceutical quality of the hospitals affiliated to the major units, there are still many problems in the pharmaceutical quality of many units, and sufficient attention needs to be paid. How to combine the rectification to improve the quality of medicine? How to explore the potential to take prompt measures to cultivate the Chinese military personnel in a variety of ways and how to introduce new technologies, carry out technological innovation and improve equipment? The discussion, and put together
岁尾年头,中国医疗卫生行业仍然跋涉在尴尬和变数频仍的泥沼中,预期中的柳暗花明也仍是一个尚待还原的梦想。从哈尔滨的550万到深圳的120万,天价医疗费事件南北相连; 从同仁
福寿螺(Pomacea lineata),俗称苹果蜗牛(Apple snail),原生于南美洲亚马逊河流域。七十年代末以来,中国、菲律宾、印尼、马来西亚、日本、泰国、越南等国家因福寿螺蛋白质丰
【内容摘要】目前,高中语文修辞教学现况并不乐观,文章针对高中语文重点课文《祝福》所运用的修辞手法进行分析,同时并指出高中老师对语文修辞教学方面存在新课标的“误差”解读。然而,实际上教师需要全面掌握现新课标的要求,并加大力度对高中修辞手法的教学,提高学生的语文整体水平。  【关键词】高中语文 修辞教学 内容  引言  “高中语文修辞教学”内容繁杂,不仅要求学生在提升口语表达能力及语文素养的基础上,还