Chemical characterization of fine and ultrafine PM, direct and indirect genotoxicity of PM and their

来源 :环境科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pudding_dophin
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Particulate matter in ambient air constitutes a complex mixture of fine and ultrafine particles composed of various chemical compounds including metals,ions,and organics.A multidisciplinary approach was developed by studying physico-chemical characteristics and mechanisms involved in the toxicity of particulate atmospheric pollution.PM0.3-2.5 and PM2.5 including ultrafine particles were sampled in Dunkerque,a French industrialized seaside city.PM samples were characterized from a chemical and toxicological point of view.Physicochemical characterization evidenced that PM2.5 comes from several sources:natural ones,such as soil resuspension and marine sea-salt emissions,as well as anthropogenic ones,such as shipping traffic,road traffic,and industrial activities.Human BEAS-2B lung cells were exposed to PM0.3-2.5,or to the Extractable Organic Matter (EOM) of PM0.3-2.5and PM2.5.These exposures induced several mechanisms of action implied in the genotoxicity,such as oxidative DNA adducts and DNA Damage Response.The toxicity of PM-EOM was higher for the sample including the ultrafine fraction (PM2.5) containing also higher concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.These results evidenced the major role of organic compounds in the toxicity of PM.
1 项目概况rn青岛市第三人民医院地处李沧区西部,为青岛市卫生局直属的二级甲等综合医院.该院始建于1931年1月,拥有光辉的历史,如今为满足青岛市的日益发展的医疗需求,现将其