花朵之所以呈现出各种不同的颜色,都是由植物体内所含的花青素、类胡萝卜素等植物色素所决定的不过,采用人工方法也能使鲜花改变它的颜色。您不想试试吗? 一、变黄色法把胡萝卜煮熟,放在水中沤制20~30天,充分腐熟后加水25~30倍,浇在花盆里,每月一次,连浇5~6次,花就可以变成桔黄或桔红色。二、变紫色法 1.日照法:把白包的菊花放在阳光下,每日照8~10小时,白色可变成紫色、白中串紫色或红紫色。2.土壤法:把白色的茶花、菊花或粉红的杜鹃,栽在中性土壤中,花色就会呈现紫色;而粉红的茶花瓣,也会出现藕色或紫色。三、变蓝色法白色的杜鹃经常用茶叶水浇,可出现蓝色花瓣或
The reason why the flowers show a variety of different colors are determined by plant pigments such as anthocyanins and carotenoids contained in the plants. However, artificial methods can also make flowers change its color. You do not want to try it? First, turn the yellow carrot cooked, placed in the water 沤 system 20 to 30 days, after full maturity add water 25 to 30 times, poured in pots, once a month, and even poured 5 to 6 Times, flowers can become orange or orange. Second, change the purple method 1. Rizhao Law: the white daisy on the sun, according to daily 8 to 10 hours, the white can be turned into purple, white string of purple or purple. 2. Soil Law: The white camellia, chrysanthemum or pink rhododendron, planted in neutral soil, the color will appear purple; and pink tea petals, there will be pink or purple. Third, the blue law White rhododendron often with tea watering, there may be blue petals or