早泄(premature ejaculation,PE)是常见的男性性功能障碍之一,指患者由于无法控制射精能力,在插入阴道前或插入阴道后1min内即完成射精[1]。流行病学调查研究显示[2],成年男性中约有14%~41%人群存在不同程度PE,严重影响患者性生活质量,甚至导致婚姻危机。因此,开展PE的早期治疗具有十分重要的意义。既往研究认为心理因素是引起PE的主要原因,但近年来大量临床研究证实,阴茎敏感性过高或兴奋性过高等器质性因素也可诱发PE,
Premature ejaculation (PE) is one of the common male sexual dysfunctions. It refers to the patient’s ejaculation completed within 1 minute before insertion into the vagina or within 1 minute after insertion into the vagina due to an uncontrollable ejaculation ability [1]. Epidemiological studies have shown that [2], adult males, about 14% to 41% of the population there are varying degrees of PE, seriously affecting the quality of sexual life of patients, and even lead to marital crisis. Therefore, to carry out the early treatment of PE is of great significance. Previous studies suggest that psychological factors are the main cause of PE, but in recent years a large number of clinical studies have confirmed that penile sensitivity or excessive excitability and other organic factors can also induce PE,