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科技项目管理是保证科技项目有效执行、提高科研效率的重要手段。国内现有大型油田含水上升、产量递减加快,新区勘探没有突破,加之油价下跌,油田企业减产甚至停产,不利于国家能源安全。以创新科技项目管理为突破口,对油田企业发展进行思考。油田企业在科技项目管理过程中普遍存在以下问题:重项目研发轻成果转化;重收支两条线的财务和工资总额管理,轻科技人才激励;基础型前瞻性项目与生产应用型项目分类不清,也未分别建立相应考核机制;项目层级多,重复立项;项目过程跟踪管理不到位;对科技人才重远景激励轻市场效益奖励。逐项分析后,提出加大项目成果转化与激励、加强科技项目的顶层策划和立项论证、建立项目长负责制下的项目化管理、规范科技项目经费管理、营造以人为本的科研团队等改进建议。 Science and technology project management is an important means to ensure the effective implementation of science and technology projects and improve the efficiency of scientific research. The existing large-scale oilfields in China have been affected by rising water content, declining output and accelerating exploration. There is no breakthrough in exploration in the new zone. Coupled with the drop in oil prices, oilfield enterprises have reduced or even stopped production, which is not conducive to the national energy security. Innovation and technology project management as a breakthrough point, the development of oilfield enterprises to think. Oilfield companies generally have the following problems in the management of science and technology projects: the transformation of heavy research and development of light achievements; the management of the total financial and payroll of the two branches in terms of revenues and expenditures; the stimulation of light scientific and technological personnel; the classification of basic-looking and production-oriented projects Qing, nor the establishment of a corresponding assessment mechanism; project level, repeat the project; project process tracking management is not in place; re-vision of science and technology talent incentive light market efficiency incentives. After item by item analysis, it is proposed to increase the transformation and encouragement of project achievements, to enhance top-level planning and project feasibility studies of science and technology projects, to establish project management under the project responsibility system, to standardize the funding management of science and technology projects and to create a people-oriented research team.
今年以来,小杂粮供需两旺,以绿豆为领军的五谷杂粮昂起了价格上涨的头颅,在短短的不足半年的时间里,以数倍以上的利润令其成为粮食市场炙手可 Since the beginning of this
Biogas purification via water scrubbing produces effluent containing dissolved CH4,H2S,and CO2,which should be removed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and in