患者女,32岁。因生气后口服DDV原液400ml自杀。服后被人发现送往医院,路途约10分钟。来院后患者深昏迷,血压10/7kPa,面颊苍白,口唇重度紫绀,鼻腔及口腔内有大量白色粘液涌出,双侧瞳孔针尖大,呼吸1分钟10次,不规则,双肺满布痰鸣音,心率48次(1分钟),肌颤明显,经过我们彻底反复洗胃,正确应用复活剂,拮抗剂以及纠正缺氧,呼吸衰竭,预防感染等多方面综合抢救治疗。患者住院28天,痊愈出院。共用阿托品2870mg。 体会 ①本例患者入院后的72小时内,严密观察病情的变化,及时调整抢救方案,特护10天。②及时彻底、反复洗胃也是抢救成功的一个关健。⑧正确的使用了阿托品,在急性有机磷农药中毒的抢救中,阿托品是
Female patient, 32 years old. Due to anger after oral DDV stock solution 400ml suicide. After serving was found to the hospital, the journey of about 10 minutes. Patients in the hospital after deep coma, blood pressure 10 / 7kPa, pale cheeks, severe lips cyanosis, nasal cavity and mouth a large number of white mucus gush, bilateral pupil needle tip, breathing 1 minute 10 times, irregular lungs covered with sputum Tone, heart rate 48 times (1 minute), obvious fibrillation, after we thoroughly repeated gastric lavage, the correct application of resuscitation agents, antagonists and correct hypoxia, respiratory failure, prevention of infection and many other comprehensive rescue treatment. Patients hospitalized for 28 days, discharged. Share atropine 2870mg. Experience ① patients within 72 hours after admission, close observation of changes in condition, timely adjustment of rescue programs, special care for 10 days. ② prompt and thorough, repeated gastric lavage is also a key to the success of the rescue. ⑧ the correct use of atropine, acute organophosphorus pesticide poisoning in the rescue, atropine is