【摘 要】
1.IntroductionrnIn 2018, the Australian Commonwealth Government committed 224.9 million AUD (160 million USD) to the Positioning Australia program in order to p
【机 构】
National Geodesy, Geoscience Australia, Australia;Positioning, Geoscience Australia, Australia;GNSS
1.IntroductionrnIn 2018, the Australian Commonwealth Government committed 224.9 million AUD (160 million USD) to the Positioning Australia program in order to provide 10 cm accurate and reliable positioning to all Australians and accelerate the adoption and development of positioning technology and applications.This is a significant improvement from the 5-10 m accuracy that can currently be achieved using consumer positioning devices.Geographically speaking, Australia is in the position to take advantage of high-quality, accurate, and efficient space-based positioning constellations with view of all global and regional constellations, including those of the United States (Global Positioning System, GPS), Russia (Global Navigation Satellite System, GLONASS), the European Union (Galileo), China (BeiDou), Japan (Quasi-Zenith Satellite System, QZSS), and India (Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System, IRNSS).
81岁的徐才老人看上去面色红润。以为这位担任着亚洲武术联合会名誉主席的他一定从小习武、身手不凡。徐才却笑容可掬地说,他是个纯武盲。 不管老人是否在开玩笑,但他真的不是从小就习武之人,准确地说,他是一位老新闻工作者。他从事新闻工作30年,是建国之初《天津青年报》和《中国青年报》的创刊人之一。之后任国家体委中国体育报社长。任职国家体委副主任期间,他对武术有着杰出的贡献,他和同事们将中国武术推向了世界
陈凯歌和陈红 导演陈凯歌和陈红的婚恋已经是地球人都知道的事情了。陈红是1994年11月和陈凯歌因为《风月》剧组选演员而邂逅的,名校表演系毕业并性格率直的美少女,一下就吸引了当时已经在圈内颇有知名度的导演陈凯歌。经过数次交往后,他们恋爱了。之后便有了美满的婚姻和可爱的孩子。尤其在《无极》影片中,夫妻两个人的配合相当默契,丈夫是导演而妻子是制片与演员,像这种夫妻黄金搭档想不出名恐怕都难吧!
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