New Trends of the World Economy and Financial Situation

来源 :International Understanding | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ytcxw
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The world economic situation is on the whole facing more risks, reflected in “stagflation plus financial crisis”. That is to say global economic growth has slowed down, but inflation pressure remains high. The world economic situation is on the whole facing more risks, reflected in “stagflation plus financial crisis”. That is to say That global economic growth has slowed down, but inflation pressure remains high.
老公手机有个陌生来电,老婆一把抢过去接了,只听一个娇滴滴的女声说道:“你怎么这么长时间不来找我呀……”  老婆气急败坏地把手机扔给老公,大吵大闹起来。为了平复老婆的怒气,老公只好陪她逛街,买了她一直想要的那个包包才算完。  回到家,老公越想越觉得不对劲,偷偷拿过老婆的手机查看,一下就发现了那个來电号码,顺手拨了过去,只听对方急切地问道:“包包到手了吗?”  (岸芷汀兰)