4125A型柴油机各缸喷油量产生偏差以后,将会出现一系列反常现象:空负荷运转时,排气管发出“腾腾”声且夹杂着敲缸声,该声音的节奏随发动机的转速变化,怠速时尤甚;带负荷工作时,排气管发出的“腾腾”声及敲缸声更响,同时排气冒黑烟、机体温度高,且油耗增加,发动机没劲。归纳起来,导致4125A型柴油机各缸喷油量不均匀的原因有:1.各喷油泵的柱塞副磨损不一致;2.个别调节又松动窜位使供油量改变;3.个别柱塞的尾端与调节臂松动错位;4.各缸喷油器的喷油压力有误差,喷油压力高的喷油器,其喷油量少;反之则喷油量多。 4125A型柴油机出现了各缸喷油量不均匀的故障后,应首先检查调整各缸喷油器的喷油压力和喷雾质量,如果喷油器喷雾质量良好、喷油压力亦无误差,则应将喷油泵拆下,送交修配厂在试验台上检查
4125A diesel engine cylinder fuel consumption deviation, there will be a series of anomalies: air load operation, the exhaust pipe issued “Teng ” sound and mixed with knocking sound, the sound rhythm with the engine speed Change, especially when idling; with a load of work, the exhaust pipe issued “Teng ” sound and knocking cylinder sound louder, while exhaust black smoke, the body temperature is high, and fuel consumption increases, the engine boring. To sum up, 4125A-type diesel engines lead to uneven injection of each cylinder are as follows: 1. Each injection pump piston wear inconsistencies; 2. Individual regulation and loosening channeling to change the amount of oil supply; 3. Individual plunger The tail end and the adjustment arm loose misplaced; 4 each cylinder injector fuel injection pressure error, high injection pressure injector, the fuel injection less; the other hand, the amount of fuel injection. 4125A diesel engine appeared in the cylinder after the uneven fuel injection failure, you should first check the fuel injector injection pressure and adjust the quality of each cylinder, if the injector spray quality is good, the injection pressure is not error should be The fuel pump removed, sent to repair shop in the test bench inspection